Small Batch Popcorn Nashville TN – Kernel’s Savory Gourmet Popcorn – Call 615-840-1548
In Old English, “corn” actually meant “grain”. It was one of the most common grains grown in many regions. When Native Americans began to introduce their grain, which they called maize, to the earliest settlers from Europe, they used the word “corn.” As far back as the 1500s, the Aztecs utilized popcorn for the headdresses they wore during ceremonies honoring their god of fertility and maize. Early Spanish explorers became fascinated when they saw the corn burst into what appeared to be tiny white flowers.
Small Batch Popcorn Nashville TN
Popcorn grew in popularity in the USA during the middle 1800s. But it was when a candy shop proprietor named Charles Cretors developed a new machine specifically for popping corn by using steam that the delicious treat became even more in-demand. By 1900, Mr. Cretors dispatched horse-drawn wagons throughout the streets of Chicago to sell popcorn.
Order Tasty Gourmet Small Batch Popcorn Nashville TN at 615-840-1548
Did you know that National Popcorn Day is January 19? (Although we enjoy Small Batch Popcorn Nashville TN every day!) It’s difficult to imagine what movie nights would be like without a bag of crunchy, fresh popcorn to share with our friends and family. Popcorn may well be the nation’s favorite snack, yet it’s also a food that’s been around for a long time with a colorful history. Sit back with a bowl of your favorite flavor popcorn like white cheddar or caramel from Kernel’s Savory Gourmet Popcorn and enjoy these fascinating popcorn facts:
-It’s the hull that makes the pop. In comparison to other varieties of corn, popcorn has a thick hull. Consequently, that means when the moisture inside the kernel is heated, the pressure causes it to burst. The cooked interior cools rapidly, which gives popped corn its unique shape.
-Humans have been enjoying popcorn for more than 5,000 years. In fact, there’s a chance it may even longer than that. Fossil evidence from South America indicates that folks were popping corn as soon as 4700 B.C. This would mean humans have been consuming the tasty snack for about 7,000 years.
-The USA produces more popcorn than any other nation. By far, the state of Nebraska tops the list when it comes to the production of popcorn, making approximately 250 million pounds annually. That equates to approximately 58 quarts per popcorn fan every year – and it’s so much popcorn it could just about fill New York City’s famous Empire State Building.
-If you were to string popcorn together from New York City to Los Angeles, it would require more than 350 million pieces! (You won’t need quite that many Small Batch Popcorn Nashville TN for your next movie night.)
-Native Americans would use popcorn to make soups and even beer. But when they enjoyed it for a snack, they often added some flavor with spices and dried herbs – similar to what we do nowadays. Some tribes were of the belief that popcorn kernels contained tiny spirits that, fortunately, were friendly and didn’t pose a danger to humans. However, after heating their home, the spirits would burst out from the kernels.
-Have we mentioned how much folks like Small Batch Popcorn Nashville TN? It’s the nation’s favorite snack food!
-The Second World War is when the connection between popcorn and going to the movies truly become established. During that time in history, sugar was among the ingredients being rationed. That resulted in a drop in candy production, so that is when popcorn sales in movie theaters escalated around the nation and snackers have been munching ever since!
Got a craving for Small Batch Popcorn Nashville TN? Call Kernel’s Savory at 615-840-1548 and place your order today!